Wednesday, October 31, 2007

This is a test Blog

This is me ski patrolling

Keep missin the kicks

I guess the Baby has been pretty active in Winter's belly, but I haven't been able to really feel the kicking. Every time I put my hand on her belly the kickin' stops. It's rather frustrating, but i am sure when Winter is nice and big I'll be able to easily feel and see movement.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


On October 8th we had our first Ultrasound. Both my parents and Winter's were able to watch with us as we "saw" our child for the first time. It was an amazing thing to experience, though the ultrasound wasn't as clear as I had expected it to be. What made it real for me was seeing the little hands and feet move around. The babys was really moving it's arms around, and at points looked like it was prating, saluting and giving us the thumbs up. It was pretty entertaining. Before the appointment Winter and I decided not to find out the sex of the baby, so it''ll be a big surprise in the end.

After the ultrasound we were given an approx due date of Feb 27th. The date was based off of measurements of the Fetus' skull. With that being said, we now have received three due dates, Feb 16th, 23, and 27th. Winter is hoping for the earlier date, I'm kind of shooting for a Leap year baby.